Friday 25 September 2015

Similarities between Music and College magazines:

- They all follow the same design codes, such as 3/2 colour scheme. This photos main colours are        yellow, white and black. Usually black and white aren't considered as a colour however not in this      case.
-  Both magazines have a sort of model on the cover page.
-  Music Magazines and College Magazines both have a big title on top always depicting the name of     the magazine.
-  Both Music and College magazines have cover lines, either on both sides of the cover or on one.

Differences between Music and College magazines:

-  College magazines usually have a person that goes to the college, or a model that poses to be a             student and that student is not a celebrity.
-  The model on the front cover on the college magazine is always smiling to show promote the               college in a positive way.
-  In Music magazines the model is usually always serious to show that they are cool and to possibly      show that they are serious about their music.

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