Tuesday 29 September 2015

Content page analysis: DJMAG

The font colour has been colour coded to the text box header to create that sort of connection so it doesn't look like the colour is on the page on its own. On the left side of the page they used a yellow text box just on the background. This is so the person knows where the texts finishes.

This contents page has a lot of colours for headers, this helps everything to get categorised into different sections. In my opinion however I don't think that is the best approach because when I see a of colour all over the place it does not look good in a professional prespective. 

The pictures have been numbered with pale white texts. This tells us where the article is with the image included. They do this becaus they might find an image interesting and want to find out more about it, whether it's the photographer or what the article is about. 

The images are typical/conventional to this magazine. When it domes to house music the images are mostly outdoors at festivals representing a kind of chilled environment. The pictures of the tech could almost be an advertisement towards items that could be sold via the magazine. That is why you can see page numbers on the images to inform the reader that there could be latest deals and possibly give aways of merchandise. Also the use of the images give the genre a more complex look, as if it is not easy to create good music and a lot of knowledge is needed to use the technology that they do.   

Leaving gals between the images create a sort of frame that lifts the images off the page. This is important because it helps us differentiate it from another image and not think that they are together. 

The layout of the page is very neat , everything is divided into columns to give it a clean professional look. 


  1. Again, a decent start. You could think more carefully about the choice of images- such as instruments / technology, and about categories of content and page numbering. Vanessa

  2. Some improvements made here and you have addressed my feedback.
